Thursday, 6 December 2012

If you aren't on the list then you’re not coming in…

The Bucket List

I need (as Grandma always said you don't get what you want, you get what you need)…
  1.  To read Psalm 46 all the way through at my Grandma’s funeral
  2.  To go to the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem
  3. To see the Northern Lights
  4.  To walk the Great Wall of China
  5. To create a photographic alphabet. All in pictures, shapes and forms
  6.  To tour Barcelona with little sis
  7.  To write a novel
  8.  To finish my Masters
  9.  To start another degree
  10. To ride an elephant
  11.  To have a spiral staircase in my home
  12.   To have a library in my home

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