Thursday, 6 December 2012

Deepest Sympathies…

For the extended absence I do apologise.

As some of you may or may not know, my Grandmother recently passed away. It was prior to this and during that I took leave of my writing, my senses and my capability to function within society without breaking down or making inappropriate jokes.

One of the hardest things any human will ever have to do is lose a loved one and I am no exception to this rule. The fact that this has been ten years in the making still doesn't mean that I was prepared in any sense of the word. I may even go so far as to say it took me totally by surprise.

When someone can fight tooth and nail like my Grandma did then one can be forgiven for assuming that this person is invincible. Cancer, countless infections, a second hip in need of replacing, a fall, bleeds on the brain and a brain tumour…this was all throughout the last decade and then as a cumulative in her final weeks.

I can only hope that I have an ounce of the strength and courage that she showed. This pivotal and character defining moment has brought clarity to certain aspects of my life which is ironic in this foggy patch. Life is precious and I have probably superficially existed for far too long now. It is time to start living a little more, taking a few risks (maybe just calculated ones for now) and jumping in with both feet!

I've decided to compile a bucket list. The curious adventures of the travelling suitcase need to get curiouser and curiouser…

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